Monday, February 23, 2009

About my week

Homework, homework, and homework. I feel so stressed except for excursions. I feel as if the wax figures in battle box are staring at me. I really enjoyed my weekend as I can rest all day but too bad teachers have to give homework for the weekends......

Thursday, February 19, 2009

P5 camp

During the camp i had lots of fun especially during the campfire. I am very happy that my group had won the most enthusiastic price. I think my group deserved it as we practice very hard for the campfire cheer. The most exciting activity was the abselling as I had never did that in my life before. When I was during the abselling, I was abit scared as I thought that I would fall. Still, I manage to make my way down and istead I had alot of fun. On the last day, when we had to leave, I was abit sad and abit happy. I was sad because I had to leave and I could not do the activities again. I was happy because I could go home and I would not have to bathe in cold water and I can sleep on my comfortable bed again.

Monday, February 2, 2009

What I enjoy doing......

I enjoy playing computer and going to the park to cycle. Duringthe weekends I will go to the park with my father and brothers to cycle. We always cycle for about 1 hour than we will go to Mcdonalds and eat ice-cream. During the weekday, I will always on the computer to play internet games. I always play until dinner time. I always have alot of fun.