Sunday, September 20, 2009

If I was a fruit...

If I was a fruit, I would like to be a pong pong or any other poisonous fruit. Why? If anyone eats me, they will die and I will be very happy. I would also be able to poison people whom I do not like until they are scared of me.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

"Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot."

This means to me that only by your manners you can succeed. Even if you have the best education but you have no manners, you will never succeed. But if you have manners, even if you do not have the best education, you will succeed.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Too much money...

The government has too much money to waste. They have full dress rehearsals every Saturday. Whenever I come home from church every Saturday evening, there will be the army force helicopter flying past and my father always say that they have too much money to waste. They should have used the money for other things.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

H1N1 Pandemic

The current H1N1 situation does not affect me as it is just like the normal flu. H1N1 is not like SARS. It is not very deadly and it will not kill you on the spot. It can be cured even if you do not eat medicine. I think that the goverment is taking alot precaution as they are cancelling all the group projects. But I also like the goverment for doing this as the CCA and supplementery classes are cancelled. Now, the supplementery classes are resumed...
Many locals are still going out to Orchard Road besides the current pandemic. They do not really bother as it is already locally spreading. Even if you stay away from such places you may still get it. Every body can still lead our normal lifes.

Monday, July 13, 2009

NE Show

The NE show was great and i really liked it. It had all the gun shooting and boats.... But it was polluting the air... It was a great experience as all the actors and actresses were great and nothing went wrong. I really liked the dinner that they prepared. the 10 chapter story was very good as it was specific and detailed. The dancers were really impressive. That day we had the NE show had very good weather as it was not very hot only when the sun is out. The best part was when the boats were on the water as they were very fast and there was alot of water splashing everywhere. I liked the ending as it rained. During the day, I sweat and when it was raining it was like taking a bath. But this is even better as you can talk to your friends at the same time and you are wearing your clothes.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ancient Greece

As a woman, I would not like to live in the Ancient Greece as during then the woman were useless as they could not do anything or have anything in their possesion. I would rather die then to live there. I t would be horrible and I would always feel very unfair.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

School Reopening

So sad, the MOE is not closing the school for 1 more week such that i can do my homework. Now i am rushing to finish and i think i will fail. I want the virus to spread in the school such that it will close and we can stay at home, playing computer. I think that the MOE is not trying to sop the viirus from spreading like he said in the newspaper. He is letting the virus spread as he will only close the school after it spread.